
APによれば、イスラエルのアラブ人3年生(Arab third-gradersってこういう意味?)向けの教科書に、ユダヤ人の語りとして、イスラエルの建国がパレスチナの人々にとって悲劇の始まりだったという意味の文章が載るとのことだ。これははじめてのことで、イスラエル国内の保守派からは非難が出されているが、一般人は歓迎ムードとのこと。


The textbooks for the upcoming school year give the Jewish narrative of the events of 1948 and 1949 when Israel's creation drew an invasion by Arab armies in a conflict that displaced some 700,000 Palestinians. They point out Jews' historical connection to the Holy Land and their need for a state because of persecution in Europe, said Dalia Fenig, an Education Ministry inspector.

But for the first time, the book also explains why the war was a tragedy from the Palestinian perspective, referring to the Arab defeat as "al-Naqba," Arabic for catastrophe and the common Arab term for the war.